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Chen Duxiu's background and personalities

An outstanding philosopher and politician. Chen started studying with his rigorous grandfather since he was 5. He was brilliant and inqusitive. He has a critical mind and seldom conform to the long-established thinkings and traditions.

He knew Chinese, English, French and Japanese pretty well and his writings were superb. Unluckily, those works were not widely appreciated. He was a fair and selfless person. He was frank, outspoken and agile. However, somehow he was stubborn and lacked family concepts. He also had a bad temper which made it less easy for people to get along with him.

Chen had an elevated mind. Once he had a chance to become rich but he simply waived it. At that time, Chen's uncle was very rich. He had considerable amount of fields, luxurious houses and silver trade. After his uncle's death, he became the only legal successor of all the properties. Yet, he just said nothing belonged to him and cared nothing about the assets of his uncle and any physical properties.

What Chen focused on was something more conceptual. After China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, he was determined to save China. He then actively participated in the revolutionary activities held by those leaders like Kang Yauwei and Liang Qichou. In the early 20th century, he even founded patriotic revolutionary organizations to advocate the need of innovative political reforms and the urgency to rescue China.

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