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User:WurdBendur/Shavian/Welcome, newcomers

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Unfortunately, Unicode Shavian is not working here (an issue with Wikimedia?), so I'm using Keyboard Shavian with the Ghoti font (the standard font, Shaw Sans No. 2, doesn't seem to work in HTML because of the period in the name)

GwikipIdIA iz an ensFklapIdIa ritan kolAbritivlI bF its rIdDz. H sFt iz a GwikI, mIniN HAt enIwun, inklMdiN V, kAn edit YlmOst enI Rtikal rFt nQ bF klikiN on H edit His pEJ liNk HAt apCz At H top v H pEJ.

brQziN GwikIpIdIa


GwikipIdIa kantEnz a hVJ amQnt v infPmESan on ol sPts v subJekts rEnJiN frum politiks, sFens, histDI, mVzik, riliJan, pop kUlcD, n spPts t evrITIN n eniTIN in bitwIn. trF brQziN H verIas kAtagPIz nQ.

V kAn YlsO sxc fP tekst in Rtikalz. Just gO t H "sxc" fild t H left, entD VD sxc txm n klik "sxc". nOt HAt H bilt-in sxc fuNkSan mE bI disEbald in tFmz v sxvD OvDlOd; in HIz kEsaz V wil bI rIdirektad t a GgMgal-bEst sxc v H GwikipIdIa dEtabEs. HX R YlsO uHD wEz t sxc GwikipIdIa.

if V rId suTIN HAt V rIlI lFk, Hen hwF not drop a nOt on H Rtikal'z tYk pEJ? fxst selekt H diskuSan liNk (lUk fP it in H tAbz abuv H pEJ), t get t H tYk pEJ. Hen selekt edit His pEJ on He tYk pEJ, P klik H + t H rFt v edit His pEJ t simpli Ad a nV koment. wI YlwEz luv t get a lital pozitiv fIdbAk.

if HXz sumTiN wI dOnt kuvD, P VD hAviN difikUlti fFndiN hwot VD lUkiN fP, Just Ask us At H refDens desk, P Ad H topik t QD list v rikwestad Rtikalz. fFnd uHD wEz t eksplP GwikipIdIa P... rFt an Rtikal VDself.



evrIwun kAn edit pEJaz in GwikipIdIa — Ivan His pEJ! Just klik H edit His pEJ lINk At H top v enI pEJ (eksept fP prOtektad pEJaz) if V TInk it nIdz eni imprMvment P nV infPmESan. V dOnt nId enITIN speSal; V dOnt Ivan nId t bI logd in. if V wynt t eksperiment fxst, wiTQt risk v "mesIN up" a rIl Rtikal, hed OvD t H sAndboks, hwX V kAn prAktis editiN t VD hRt's kantent. t prAktis editiN an egzistiN pEJ lFk His wun, Just kopI n pEst it from H Rtikal's edit pEJ intM H sAndboks. if V wynt t lxn mP, cek Qt H GwikipIdIa tMtPIal t lxn H bEsik infO V SUd nO As a membD v Qr prOJekt.

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